About this site
This site was written in Asciidoc using Asciidoctor as a renderer.
It adapts to any sized screen gracefully! Here’s how it looks on a mobile phone.
Petergreenwell.com is a personal home page - that is, it contains various things ranging from fiction to reflections on existence.
It is deliberately low-key and non Web 2.0 in appearance. The IoT belongs elsewhere.
I have colourised my bold and italic text. Why? To be annoying. Actually, I think it looks cool. Since all these pages can be viewed in your browser’s reader mode, use that if does annoy you!
This site does not set cookies 🍪, nor does it track you in any way (apart from what the web server logs).
The exception to the above is that I use fonts from Google - they might track you. They probably will. But I won’t. 🤘
I try to maintain a light-hearted tone throughout this site, except where I can’t be, i.e essays. Academia reacts poorly to cornball and bad humour in essays.
Unless noted, everything on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Exceptions to the above include screenshots from video games, album/single covers, and captures from films, etc. They belong to whoever the copyright holder of said product is - I’m using them under the Australian legal concept of fair comment, analogous to the US idea of fair use.
I maintain two other domains. Here and my shop which is at this site.
Note! If you cannot see flag emojis, i.e 🇧🇾, 🇰🇳 and they render as country codes instead, you are most likely using Windows 11 ≥ 23H2 update. The Segoe UI Emoji font that Windows uses for emojis lacks glyphs for flags. To fix this, install the font found here.
About me
In age, I’m somewhere between Daniel Craig and Viggo Mortensen. I’m Australian, and I’m probably bits and pieces of everything European.
I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), and a Bachelor of Environmental Science.
My Arts major was in Gothic and Dark Romantic literature.
My Environmental Science major was in environmental resource management.
What this means is that I could give you advice on the anti-Catholic origins of the Gothic while out doing fauna surveys in a rainforest.
I don’t “do” social media in the main - I should, as I want to run a business but…
I have a Twitter/X account, but use it rarely. Here, if you like.
Still here?
I write, which is the primary purpose of this site. What am I writing? Try this.
I listen to music that largely reflects my age bracket. 70s/80s post-punk, Gothic music in its various forms, paisley underground, metal, psych rock and prog rock. Dark, weird stuff. I’m one of these dinosaurs that despises most modern music.
I read mostly science fiction and fantasy, though I’ll devour anything that’s well-written. Elmore Leonard is an excellent resource on how to do dialogue right.
Although I’m straight, I support and encourage LGBTQIA+ lifestyles and rights. I’m not woke in outlook - it’s called applying critical thinking and coming to a logical answer.
And on the critical thinking subject, although I hold a few conservative values, I’m probably best regarded as a bleeding heart liberal. As an Australian, “liberal” means a whole lot more than the narrow definitions that are prevalent in some parts of the world. As does “conservative” for that matter.
While finding many of their policies and approaches needlessly confronting, I support the Australian Greens, and the Fusion Party, of whom I’m a member.
I’m in love with Midjourney and other avenues of AI generated art. AI is the future - embrace it! Well, to a point. It’ll never replace pure creativity, but it can bolster it. I believe so, anyway.
Pictures generated by Midjourney are used on this site.
I am Choronzon Dragon on UDIC though I’ve probably done nothing Ultima-ish since the late 90s.
Walla Walla is a town in the US, and in Australia, and what Ale the Parrot says in Ultima 7: The Black Gate. Oh, you read down this far? Marvellous!