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About this site

  • This site was written in Asciidoc using Asciidoctor as a renderer.

  • It adapts to any sized screen gracefully! Here’s how it looks on a mobile phone.

  • Petergreenwell.com is a personal home page - that is, it contains various things ranging from fiction to reflections on existence.

  • It is deliberately low-key and non Web 2.0 in appearance. The IoT belongs elsewhere.

  • I have colourised my bold and italic text. Why? To be annoying. Actually, I think it looks cool. Since all these pages can be viewed in your browser’s reader mode, use that if does annoy you!

  • This site does not set cookies 🍪, nor does it track you in any way (apart from what the web server logs).

  • The exception to the above is that I use fonts from Google - they might track you. They probably will. But I won’t. 🤘

  • I try to maintain a light-hearted tone throughout this site, except where I can’t be, i.e essays. Academia reacts poorly to cornball and bad humour in essays.

  • Unless noted, everything on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

  • Exceptions to the above include screenshots from video games, album/single covers, and captures from films, etc. They belong to whoever the copyright holder of said product is - I’m using them under the Australian legal concept of fair comment, analogous to the US idea of fair use.

  • I maintain two other domains. Here and my shop which is at this site.

  • Note! If you cannot see flag emojis, i.e 🇧🇾, 🇰🇳 and they render as country codes instead, you are most likely using Windows 11 ≥ 23H2 update. The Segoe UI Emoji font that Windows uses for emojis lacks glyphs for flags. To fix this, install the font found here.

About me

  • In age, I’m somewhere between Daniel Craig and Viggo Mortensen. I’m Australian, and I’m probably bits and pieces of everything European.

  • I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), and a Bachelor of Environmental Science.

  • My Arts major was in Gothic and Dark Romantic literature.

  • My Environmental Science major was in environmental resource management.

  • What this means is that I could give you advice on the anti-Catholic origins of the Gothic while out doing fauna surveys in a rainforest.

  • I don’t “do” social media in the main - I should, as I want to run a business but…

  • I have a Twitter/X account, but use it rarely. Here, if you like.

a picture of me

Still here?

  • I write, which is the primary purpose of this site. What am I writing? Try this.

  • I listen to music that largely reflects my age bracket. 70s/80s post-punk, Gothic music in its various forms, paisley underground, metal, psych rock and prog rock. Dark, weird stuff. I’m one of these dinosaurs that despises most modern music.

  • I read mostly science fiction and fantasy, though I’ll devour anything that’s well-written. Elmore Leonard is an excellent resource on how to do dialogue right.

  • Although I’m straight, I support and encourage LGBTQIA+ lifestyles and rights. I’m not woke in outlook - it’s called applying critical thinking and coming to a logical answer.

  • And on the critical thinking subject, although I hold a few conservative values, I’m probably best regarded as a bleeding heart liberal. As an Australian, “liberal” means a whole lot more than the narrow definitions that are prevalent in some parts of the world. As does “conservative” for that matter.

  • While finding many of their policies and approaches needlessly confronting, I support the Australian Greens, and the Fusion Party, of whom I’m a member.

  • I’m in love with Midjourney and other avenues of AI generated art. AI is the future - embrace it! Well, to a point. It’ll never replace pure creativity, but it can bolster it. I believe so, anyway.

  • Pictures generated by Midjourney are used on this site.

  • I am Choronzon Dragon on UDIC though I’ve probably done nothing Ultima-ish since the late 90s.

  • Walla Walla is a town in the US, and in Australia, and what Ale the Parrot says in Ultima 7: The Black Gate. Oh, you read down this far? Marvellous!